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Yolande Exchange 2002 & Prashant Dwivedi PGP 2002


“You swim together and you sink together.”


How do you balance long work hours and a chaos free household?

Lots of booze to keep you cheerful…


How do you make sure that you spend time with your partner?

Give your salary to your nanny.


What are a couple of things that you appreciate about your relationship and why do these things seem significant?

We have ups and downs, but we keep working on it.

PRASHANT : Wifey’s patience with me.

Yolande- Trying to figure out what do I appreciate
How did you go about career growth and career planning “together”?

We talk and back each other for what the other person wants to achieve and advice if there is anything where the other can contribute. But at home, with three girls, we make sure they feel it is at all times a 50-50 effort in whatever we do.


Have you lived/living in different cities? If yes, how do you cope with family commitments/manage trying travel schedules?

So far London has been our only home as a family, but we juggle family holidays between India, France and Switzerland. The kids love it, parents are often exhausted and feel more tired after holiday.


Do work conflicts come home? How do you keep rivalry at bay? 

No rivalry and conflicts, we both want the other to do best and back each other.


Please share any instance of compromises in career growth for the family. (One by husband & one by wife)


PRASHANT : I moved from sell side banking to a buy side role which provides much more time for family.

YOLANDE: I realised that managing a large team and a family is stressful. While the kids are young, I don’t manage a team.


How does it help being in the same boat?

 You swim together and you sink together

AUTHOR: admin
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