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Head of Development Office, Mr. Ajit Motwani


Recent trends in the donations received from Alums have been overwhelming for all of us on campus. The alums have very generously contributed through large donations, both in an individual capacity as well as through batch contributions, for varied initiatives that are being implemented on campus.


This January 2019, we received the highest individual single-purpose contribution of USD one million; experienced the quickest batch contribution of over INR 2.5 Crores from the PGP 1994 batch; also were humbled to see the PGP 1968 senior batch Alums make a valuable contribution to support restoration/upgrade and the 25 years’ maintenance of the FPM office; restored/upgraded Staff Recreational Club got inaugurated within a year of funding received from Professors Subhash and Deepti Bhatnagar. IIMA is now reporting to the donors on the status of utilization of the donated funds as well as the activities being supported through these funds.


The Indian diaspora contributes to the country through a whopping USD 80 Billion making India the world’s highest recipient of remittances. Similar trend is somehow not seen in the Indian institutions receiving funds from the Alumni migrating abroad and in prominent positions all across the world regions.  


The developed countries experienced the wave of philanthropic contributions to Universities/Institutions during last century that has stayed on. For India, this phenomenon is yet to be fully experienced. It’s only the select top ranked institutions; mainly IITs, IIMs, and a few others that receive meaningful donations from Alumni.


It’s very often that the initial major funding comes from the government, founders, and others whose vision these institutions represent. For the subsequent transformational initiatives and associated funding, the Alumni play an important role.


The emphasis on the research for an institution to be counted among the top league as well as the infrastructure to compete even with the local private institutions remain a challenge for the premier public institutions.

Institute is trying to meet the acute faculty shortage with the active support of the Alumni community. Alumni have been actively contributing through elective courses, speaker sessions, coming to IIMA as visiting chair faculty for short-term away from their commitments at the top business schools abroad.

IIMA’s case is even more unique with the institute’s decision not to seek Government funding for the last decade and a half to help preserve the sacred autonomy and associated branding. The periodic requirement to increase the number of seats in various programs to accommodate the national expectations and fulfill social obligations, makes the IIMA’s hard-pressed faculty even more stretched. Recruiting the top faculty is the biggest struggle for every premier public institution in India owing to constraints in offering comparable global salaries that is further compounded with the locational disadvantage at IIMA in faculty’s family settlement options.

As we continue to increase our engagement with Alumni, we deeply appreciate your contribution in various fields that are critical for the brand IIMA to soar high. We will continue to count on your unstinted support in achieving the shared vision.


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