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-Ajit Motwani (Head, Development Office)


IIMA Alums have done the Alma Mater proud through their meaningful contribution across most world regions!

You Alums have contributed immensely to the Institute’s branding in multiple ways. For decades, IIMA has been rated the best management school in India significantly on the basis of how the Alums have excelled in the leadership roles across geographies and sectors including corporate, academics, social transformation, and policy.

Large number of Alums have chosen to settle abroad and have been most visible change agents in USA, Singapore, and UK.

For years now, the Singapore, USA (North America), and UK chapter have been actively connected with Alma Mater. Also, during the last decade, there have been frequent visits and interactions with the Director accompanied by Dean/Faculty colleagues/Officers. The New York biennial event since 2014 was gravitational for all the US based Alums to connect with the Institute and facilitate mini-reunion for batches.

The individual contributions from USA have multiplied each year during the past about 4 to 5 years. Early this year, an individual US based Alum contributed $ one million, biggest ever cheque from any world region. However, individual highest contribution remains at INR 110 million from an Alum based in India from the batch of 1980s.


It was really exciting to be a part of the journey this year with IIMA AA Singapore Chapter for the “1’M for IIMA” initiative. For the first time, any Alumni Chapter was driving the fundraising aimed at significant support to Alma Mater. This initiative is to fund the restoration & upgrade of two faculty wings, part of the iconic Louis Kahn buildings at Heritage campus.


We see a new trend in Alumni Reunion Coordination as well as fundraising that are being increasingly driven by batch coordinators based abroad, particularly Singapore and USA.


Contributions from you Alums have come for every conceivable initiative that we envisioned. These include contributions for some of the unconventional initiatives such as IIMA Child Care Centre, Faculty Club, Staff Recreational Club, and Medical coverage for retiring group C & D staff.


For us at the institute, the affection with which the donation contributions come is as important as the quantum of the donation. Our experience during the Singapore Chapter fundraising drive was of deep emotional connect with several batches across generations of Alums.


The recent Singapore Chapter initiative “1’M for IIMA” and the reunions experience during the last few years have proved that physical distance is no impediment to connect with Alma Mater.