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Dear Alumni,




Sometimes mere existence seems an accomplishment. 


Death and despair have swept through communities across India and we are not an exception. Every person can recount tales of a loved one in the extended family or friend circle who has battled Covid and unfortunately passed away. We have lost alumni to Covid, we have lost colleagues to Covid, we have lost members of the IIMA community, friends and family members to Covid. The grief is compounded by our inability to attend funerals or just comfort the members of the bereaved family.


Yet, difficult times also bring out the best in people. IIMA community members have banded together to provide succor to each other. Volunteer staff members have handled responsibilities related to efficiently running the quarantine facilities on campus and arranged medical assistance. Faculty members have collaborated with alumni and colleagues from other institutes to provide necessary kits for rural India. Alumni members have taken initiatives to support the funding, planning and logistics related to the supply of medical goods for fighting the second wave. Each has done as per own capability. Each drop in the ocean counts.


If Covid was not enough, India faced two cyclones, one of which brought destruction across Gujarat. The IIMA campus was not spared, uprooted trees littered the campus. There is something sad about looking at an open space where a tree used to stand earlier. The space reminds us of the absence. It seems nature too is grieving with us.


At this juncture, only one thing matters-stay safe. 




Warm regards,

Prof. Saral Mukherjee

Dean, Alumni and External Relations