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Indu Mahajan & Nandu Nandkishore PGP 1982 

Indu has been a key partner and advisor to me right through and my career success is as much hers.”

How do you balance long work hours and a chaos free household?

Long working hours is something one gets used to at the institute. There’s no substitute for hard work. It helps that one does a job one loves!!
How do you make sure that you spend time with your partner? 

It is important to set aside time for family events (birthdays, school meetings, anniversaries etc.) and for being there when your partner or family needs you. This takes priority over work.
What are a couple of things that you appreciate about your relationship and why do these things seem significant?

We are also good friends who connect at several levels ever since our time at the institute.
How did you go about career growth and career planning “together”? 

At some point two decades ago, when I had an opportunity for expatriation with Nestlé, Indu decided to put her career on hold, especially as spousal work permits are not easy in several countries.
Have you lived/living in different cities? If yes, how do you cope with family commitments/manage trying travel schedules?

We always lived together except for a few weeks at the beginning of country moves
Do work conflicts come home? How do you keep rivalry at bay?

Indu has been a key partner and advisor to me right through and my Career success is as much hers. Not just her, our boys too, have responded with mature advice whenever I shared a business problem for their views.
Please share any instance of compromises in career growth for the family. (One by husband & one by wife)

Indu’s career took a back seat when we got expatriated. But we have tried to take move decisions together as a family and have said ‘No’ to career moves on a few occasions to better address family needs.

AUTHOR: admin
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