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Authored by Lt Col Prem Vas (Retd) (AFP 2009)




An alumnus of AFP 2009, IIMA; Lt Col Prem Vas (Retd) has vast experience of two decades plus in the Indian Army where he commanded an Artillery Unit and a decade plus in the corporate specializing in HR leadership & Operations in four different industries. He is a leadership coach and is keen on grooming potential leaders for the corporate and young aspirants. An ardent writer and speaker, he is a specialist in Human Capital Management and is foraying into the Infopreneurship space. He can be reached at and


SYNOPSIS Interviews are inescapable part of life for all professionals. From an intern to a CEO, every few years, one goes through an interview – it’s no more the ‘golden watch era’ when one works for a company for decades before retiring! That is the practical reality today. With the pandemic responsible for the unusual demand-supply of job markets across the globe, the need for excelling in interviews is even more pronounced.


A lot of well-deserving candidates lose out on their potential jobs due to ‘under’ & ‘over’ confidence, inadequate preparation and inability to make the right ‘pitch’ for the job.


The book has refreshingly new content on how to match perceptions of the interviewer and interviewee to enhance the probability of getting selected through mastering the art of practical preparation.


Specific chapters deal with aspects on how to ‘tune’ your mind before and during the interview, including what needs to be said or done to “stand apart’ in the minds of the interviewer so that one ‘ups’ the chances of being selected.


A chapter on frequently and not so usual trending FAQs with techniques of smartly answering them to capture the interviewer’s attention is added and is very useful in framing response to interviewer’s questions. Blank spaces have been added to make notes for the reader to practice answering the right way.


Keeping with current times, a chapter on excelling at ‘Virtual Interviews’ gives some practical tips which one takes for granted and thus cannot be ignored in ensuring seamless interview experience.


In keeping pace with trends in the digital world to capture on smart phones, tabs and other devices; the book has QR coded content on checklists for ‘preparing Resume’s/CVs’, ‘before the interview’, including details of social media content for additional information which the author has shared in his YouTube Channel “Vas Vibes”.


The author has captured the nuances of excelling at interviews gathered during his vast experience as HR leader, wherein he has immense experience in the number of interviews he has conducted across the spectrum of his career and job designations. The book condenses these experiences and shares those finer aspects from his multi-dimensional profession that makes or breaks an interview opportunity.


A special chapter captures the pearls of wisdom from selected CEOs & CHROs of “What they look for” in interviews and “What puts them off”!


In a crisp, concise & no-nonsense conversational style, this book is a reference material for an entire career lifespan – from a Graduate to Senior Leadership.



Book Review by Vishal Sharma (AFP 2009) ‘The book captures the key steps of an interview, right from the preparation stage, the interview per se, and the follow up stage. Based on the career level of an interviewee, the author prepares each of the interviewee categories on what to expect during their interview or ‘interactions at higher levels’, as he calls job interviews for senior level professionals.


With the help of easy and relatable examples, the book explains all the elements that can help one sharpen their existing skills and tap their potential to create that right ‘first impression! I personally liked the part of the book that provides those essential tips that we may know at the back of our mind but need to make a conscious effort to imbibe and execute.


In his very simple and conversational style, the author captivates and maintains the interest of the reader and gives enough space for self -retrospection and reflection before explaining any new concepts, ideas, that also helps address any understanding gaps.


Last but not the least, the book also talks about the shift of interviews from in-person conversations to online video chats which have made us all more flexible during these disruptive times of Covid pandemic.’





AUTHOR: admin
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