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Transforming Lives: The Impact of the Peace Education Program on Tamil Nadu’s Prisons

Transforming Lives: The Impact of the Peace Education Program on Tamil Nadu’s Prisons

By Isht Dubey SMP-4

Caption: Inmates attending Peace Education Program at Cuddalore Jail

The Peace Education Program is dedicated to empowering individuals by connecting them with their inner selves. Founded by Mr. Prem Rawat, two Guinness World Record holder, renowned author and peace educator, the program aims to inspire personal growth and self-betterment. Rawat’s philosophy that “we never lose the ability to better ourselves,” forms the cornerstone of the Peace Education Program. Through its global outreach, the program has garnered widespread acclaim and has significantly impacted countless lives, including my own.

In my early twenties, I encountered the transformative message of Prem Rawat, which resonated deeply with me. His wisdom, encapsulated in the notion that the sum of our problems pales in comparison to our inner strength, shifted my perspective from dwelling on problems to seeking solutions. Embracing his message I began to focus on nurturing my inner resilience and appreciating the beauty of life. During moments of stress, I found solace in the reassuring mantra that “this too shall pass,” empowering me to navigate challenges with newfound strength and resilience.

 Moved by a newspaper article highlighting the imperative of reforming the lives of inmates and offering them hope for societal reintegration, I was inspired to introduce the Peace Education Program to the incarcerated individuals at Chennai Jail. Having witnessed the program’s success in various correctional facilities worldwide, I saw an opportunity to extend its transformative impact to those seeking redemption and a chance for a better future.

Getting the permission

To bring the Peace Education Program to Chennai Prison, I contacted the Director General of Prisons and Correctional Services. Securing an appointment, I proposed the program with video links and feedback from previous implementations. We were asked to present an overview of the program to determine its suitability for Tamil Nadu’s prisons.

We meticulously prepared a presentation introducing the Peace Education Program and The Prem Rawat Foundation, which was delivered to the entire team of DIGs and SPs across Tamil Nadu during an online meeting. The response was overwhelmingly positive. Impressed by the program’s potential, the DGP approved it immediately, and a start date was set after consulting with his team.

The implementation of the program across 16 prisons in Tamil Nadu required detailed planning and coordination. Our volunteers were assigned to different prisons and trained to conduct the sessions. They visited the prisons a day in advance to ensure the venues were appropriate and to coordinate with prison authorities for a smooth execution.

Inmates’ response

Caption: Inmates attending Peace Education Program at Puzhal Jail, Chennai.

Over the course of ten days, the Peace Education Program sessions were conducted, and daily feedback was collected from inmates. The heartfelt responses highlighted the profound impact of the program. Here are a few reflections:

  • A Poetic Reflection: One inmate expressed his thoughts in a poem, capturing his newfound understanding and peace.
  • Temper Control: An inmate emphasized the importance of controlling temper, noting how a moment of calm could prevent severe consequences.
  • Peace of Mind: Another inmate described an indescribable feeling of happiness and contentment, attributing it to the peace of mind gained from the Peace Education Program.
  • Life Convict’s Gratitude: A life convict shared how the clarity and peace from the Peace Education Program were unlike anything he had experienced in other programs. He felt filled with happiness and gratitude.
  • Fisherman’s Insight: A fisherman likened inner peace to a calm ocean, essential for achieving anything in life.
  • Regret and Realization: Many inmates wished they had attended the Peace Education Program earlier, believing it could have prevented their imprisonment by helping them control their anger.
  • Future Hope: An inmate expressed his intention to share what he had learned from the Peace Education Program with his children after his release, feeling it was a blessing that brought relaxation and self-recognition.
  • Personal Transformation: One inmate realized he had lived without love and understanding. After the Peace Education Program, he felt a significant change and a newfound clarity about life’s essential qualities.

Even the welfare officer noticed a remarkable change, noting that inmates began attending sessions voluntarily from the second day. The program’s success caught the attention of local newspapers, which highlighted this transformative initiative.

See Also

Our challenges and learnings

One challenge we encountered was aligning the structure of the Peace Education Program with the logistical constraints of the correctional facility. While the program is designed for optimal impact with around 100 participants, the jail authorities initially preferred a simultaneous presentation to accommodate everyone at once. However, upon explaining the rationale behind the program’s effectiveness with smaller groups, they understood and agreed to organize participants into batches of 100. With this adjustment, we successfully completed the sessions and are in the process of planning the next batch.

During the implementation of the program, I had the opportunity to interact closely with the inmates. Some of them even volunteered to assist with arranging chairs and setting up equipment. Through these interactions, I came to realize that they are not fundamentally different from anyone else; they simply find themselves in challenging circumstances. It became evident that they too deserve the chance to recognize their inherent worth and strive for personal growth, ultimately reintegrating into society as fulfilled individuals.

In conclusion, the implementation of the Peace Education Program in Tamil Nadu’s prisons brought immense satisfaction to the volunteers and a profound sense of hope and peace to the inmates. By connecting with their inner selves, inmates found the possibility of true happiness and a peaceful life, irrespective of their circumstances. This initiative not only aims to rehabilitate inmates but also promises a brighter, more peaceful future for them upon their return to society.

To read more about the Prem Rawat  visit and about TPRF visit About Peace Education Program visit

Isht Dubey is a finance professional, a volunteer at The Prem Rawat Foundation, and an alumnus of the 4th SMP at IIM Ahmedabad. He can be reached at

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