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By Salil Agrawal PGP 1983


PGP 1983 Batch gets together in Kerela


The batch of 83 had their 35 year reunion in a beautiful resort called Estuary Island in Poovar, Kerala from the 15th to the 18th of December 2017. We had 130 people – 64 alumni, 50 spouses and 16 children. Many attended a get together for the first time but we all bonded beautifully and it was like one large family. The three days were planned with a mix of structured events and free time for chatting and catching up.

The colour coordinated peach shirts for men, and burnt-orange kurtis for women, were very graceful and beautiful, leading to a wonderful group photo session.

It was great putting this event together and a big thank you to each one of us because without us this event would not have happened. And a special thanks to all who helped Jatinder, Sanjit, Anita, Meera, Ravi Kacker, Pallavi  and many more.  I believe we are one large family and I did it because I wanted to and I loved doing what I did. Vinni supported me and never complained. I am overwhelmed with all these messages of love, appreciation and thanks. The fact that the event went off without a hitch is the fruit of the pudding.

I do hope we keep meeting as often as we can.

Here are the messages shared by some of those who attended. These messages say it all.


Anil Maheshwari: The three days at Poovar was a blissful experience. Buffet breakfasts and lunches were delicious and were a great time to catch up with friends in a leisurely manner by the ocean side. Every dinner had a different theme and on a different location within the same resort. One dinner was in a garden setting. Another was a traditional sit down Sadya meal in the dining hall. The third dinner was on the sands with dance and music. Many of us chose a antakshari-filled half-day bus trip to the southern tip of India, Kanyakumari. Many took out time for boat rides in the back waters, massage in the local spa, swim in the lovely pool, local sightseeing and visits to temples. There was a lot of singing in the evenings by the singers in the family and some of these sessions went late into the night. Lots of spirits accompanied the teen patti sessions late into the night, quizzes and spiritual discussions. Congratulations to Salil for leading a spirited year-long effort to get this unruly bunch of super-traveller cats together in one place and for all his on-site coordination and bubbliness. Congratulations to Jatinder for pulling off a nice new book. Commendation also to Ravi and Django who chased us. Congratulations to Sanjit for keeping Salil in control and for coordinating the liquids etc, Congratulations to Meera for being a charming quizmaster so much that Pun(Chan)duji practically ceded the stage to her like a well-trained hubby of course. The staff at the resort was very professional and courteous, and deserve our gratitude. Overall it was a wonderful and memorable event! Looking forward to many more and even bigger reunion events in the decades to come!


Sanjiv Kumar: The more we meet at reunions, the closer our bonds become. Just remember how happy you were to greet a batch mate whom you met just last year!!! Now, the bonding has spread to spouses and children as well. So, entire families are involved. The organisers who spent huge time and effort in making our reunion enjoyable, deserve our heartfelt thanks. Jatinder, Sanjit, Salil, Chandu, Meera, Babes, Anita, and the committee members, three cheers to you, and may your tribe grow. We got to meet a few of our batch mates for the first time in thirty five years. They were just as happy to meet us again. I hope that the small number of batch mates who have not attended any reunion so far, can be persuaded to attend the next one. Thanks again to all of you for taking time out to attend the reunion, and reinforcing our bonds.


Ram Kidambi: Indefatigable service oriented guys – all organizers. Special thanks to all the spouses and nextgen to make the event that much more wholesome. As a matter of fact I got to really interact with some batch mates for the first time. Words can never describe the “Anand” it was. Looking forward to getting together sooner and more often.


Chandu: Three days just flew by without our even noticing. Lots of great memories. Cricket, basketball, party games, impromptu DJ night without a DJ, teen patti sessions, informal mehfils, lots of the liquid stuff. And most of all, chilled out batch mates, congenial spouses and cool kids.


Ashish: Poovar was a wonderful break from the routine. It was an opportunity to reconnect, relive memories, share stories and jokes, hear soulful renditions of songs, take pride in the brilliance of the next generation, go on fun-filled trips together, relax by the sea, enjoy sumptuous meals, play cricket, imbibe per taste and spirit, and reflect and bask in the affection of friends. Thanks to the organisers for such tireless efforts, to the spouses for encouraging batch mates to come and themselves being the threads in the fabric of this community, to all friends for taking the time and making the effort to come and spend this magical time together. We will cherish this reunion and hold memories close to heart.


Ravist: The past 3 days were indeed a continuous treat in motion. Ashoak Tyagi’s musical (especially vocal) capabilities were not only the high point of this memorable reunion for many but something to be heard to be treasured. While Brat, Met and Vinitha were known singers, Harsh was the other ‘significant musical discovery’. I am in such a mellow mood that I am ready to turn into a bhakt (for a while).


Suresh (Babes): As all good things do come to an end, so has our 35th reunion. It has been three days of flash back 81-83 times. Brought back great memories and we recreated a few at Poovar like the cricket match. Three full days of fun and joy. Thank you all and look forward to the 40th reunion and meantime more mini reunions please.


Popat: Great time with all you fantastic folks. Living life as if time machine put us back by 35 yrs. Lots of treasured memories .. until the next opportunity to meet up.


Nikhil: Had a great time last three days. Met many of you only after 1983 but never felt we hadn’t met all these years. Same enthusiasm and the same love and affection. It was worth it. Thanks for all the efforts you guys had put in to making this reunion a grand success.


Ravi Kacker: Fantastic time! Absolutely worth every minute … will miss you all. Already looking forward to the next reunion.


Rajasree: Reuben and I greatly enjoyed meeting all of you after so many years – met old friends and made some new ones – better late than never! Especially nice meeting spouses and families.


Ravi Rajagopalan: It’s nice to see everyone has mellowed, and that shows in all the interactions. The last 35 years have been washed away except for loved ones and the obvious girth around our midriffs. Daya (Ravi’s daughter) is a bit amazed at how everyone was horsing around like kids.


C P Shiv: Fun rollicking time with all you friends and spouses and gen next. Wound the clock back 35 years surely. One more set of lovely memories added to the memory bank. Cheers and looking forward to more mini meets and the big one 5 years from now.


Suresh Kumar Django: Just left the resort. It was great to see every one and spend time. Fantastic location dedicated just for us during those days. Things like this don’t happen by accident. It seemed to have taken a lot of detailed planning. Great memories!


See Also

R Sundar: It was a wonderful three days which however went by too fast. We want to thank all the organisers who have made this great reunion possible. The 35 plus years just went away and it was 1981 again. When Meera called the quiz, a familiar shiver went up the spine; and in the cricket field, with Rammi at his usual position, Macchi behind the wickets and CP at extra cover, I was transported to the hallowed cricket ground at IIMA. The years dropped away and I was bowling like old, seriously no pulls, no pain, nothing. The mind certainly rules over mere flesh. Thanks to batch mates who made it a point to come from all points of the compass, braving 35 hour flights. Thanks. Grateful I was able to come.


Manikutty: We had a wonderful time for the 3 days, thanks to everyone. It was particularly great to meet people whom we had not met since 1983.


Uday: It has been a few hours since we said goodbyes to each other, but I am sure we are all still basking in the warm glow of the good natured bonhomie of the last three days. As the immediacy of the reunion recedes into the background and the humdrum of daily routine reasserts itself, let’s hope that it does not dim the passion for the next one. We may be a little greyer, a little balder and a little paunchier (alright in my case more than a little); but the intervening years have not diminished the ardour of our friendships. If anything the meet has only reinforced it. These were truly magical moments. As Django said these events just don’t happen by themselves. Thanks a million to the core group of organisers. Looking forward to the next magical moment.


Prasad: Had a really great time at Poovar. Thank you organisers and thanks to each one of you who came without whom there would have been no get together at all. Some I am meeting for the first time after 35 years. I would classify those three days amongst the best times I have had. Sujatha too had a wonderful time and that says a lot about the warmth and effort that’s gone into making everyone comfortable. Thanks to you all again for making the trip such a fun and memorable occasion for both of us.


Shiv P: I was on the fence about this trip. I am glad I could make it. Had a great time. Kudos to organisers. You all have been so kind and sweet. Will carry these memories with me. Arigato


Jayashree: Ever since I got home last night, I find I can’t stop talking to Shavak and Tarika about the magical time I had at Poovar. Since I had made such little effort in all these years to keep in touch, I felt a bit nervous about how I would fit in. But the warmth and enthusiasm, with which each and every one of you welcomed me, made me feel special almost brought me to tears. Even though I hadn’t kept in touch, you had all kept me in your hearts and that was a beautiful and humbling realisation for me. Thank you all, my friends for your generosity of spirit and of course for being the wonderfully fun people you all are. Everyone who put this marvellous event together – there are no words of gratitude or appreciation that can ever be enough. You are champions and I hope you never forget that.


Malini: Ram loved being with everyone. He now thinks he is officially a batch mate. But seriously he was overcome with the love and affection shown towards him and he met a lot of you for the first time. He actually said he had a way better time in this reunion than his IIT 25th! Thank you all.


And here is a message from a spouse – Ravi Kacker’s wife – Anisha: I came to Poovar with some trepidation. Living in the US and not visiting India often enough I had not met most of you. But it was all for nought. Meeting all you lovely people was such a delight. I could finally attach faces and personalities to all those names Ravi has been talking about all these years. Three days of lots of fun, comradery, good food and warm weather. A big thank you to those who organized and pulled it all together … no mean feat. A lovely time was had by all. Until we meet again.


And finally a message from generation next – Jatinder’s daughter – Pallavi:

I want to express my gratitude to all. After a serendipitous meet with dad’s batch mates last year in Mukteshwar I was game for this trip. That trip was all about breath taking views, good food and wine, and great company. All this multiplied in Kerala, and I’m glad I came. Thank you for all the knowledge, the experiences, the time and the songs that you guys shared with me. Thank you Salil uncle and Padhi uncle for organising this smooth trip. I’m in for the next one too.

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