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Leadership by Vasu Krishnan

Leadership by Vasu Krishnan

Leadership and the Process Approach

Authored by Vasu Krishnan (PGP 73)

Vasu Krishnan studied Metallurgical Engineering from REC/NIT Rourkela, and after a few years of work experience in Bhilai Steel Plant, Steel Authority of India Ltd and graduated from IIM Ahmedabad – Post Graduate Programme in Business Administration in 1973. He has over 50 years of extensive experience in various process and discrete manufacturing industries.

This book delves into the realm of leadership, exploring the development of a macro and micro view that evolves over time through experience. Each chapter takes the reader through the author’s personal experiences in different organisations, chronicling instances of outstanding leadership as well as ineffective practices.The ‘Plan Do Check Act’ cycle, a process approach, is a recurring theme throughout the book. It is implicitly present in the leadership style of a public sector steel plant and explicitly discussed in the chapter on project management.The process approach does not exclude the combination of other strategies, such as benchmarking and business process re-engineering. Consequently, corresponding chapters on these subjects are included.The book emphasises experiential learning and a structured approach to organisational transformation, including quality system standards. The focus is on the enablers, and the quality award processes are integrated into the organisation’s business strategy

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