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Authored by Mr Krishna K. Havaldar (PGP 1971) and Mr Vasant M. Cavale (PGP 1970)


The book is aimed at adapting to the changing conditions prevailing in the market. Customers, nowadays are using new technologies like the internet, for collecting information on products and services and making buying decisions. The new developments in information and communication technologies are not changing the buying and selling practices.


Many sales people now use sales force automation programs which help them to serve their customers in a more effective and efficient manner. Similarly, many sales managers, at various hierarchical levels use computer technology to carry out sales management effectively.


Asian, European and the US trade agreements have made it less difficult for companies to sell products and services in different countries globally. In addition, competition in the domestic market from foreign competitors has increased substantially.


As an outcome of the changing conditions, organisations have become even more market centric. It means that companies are using team selling approach for key customers instead of a single sales person trying to respond to their customer’s needs. Logistics and retailing have seen marked changes in practices. Managers are required to manage multiple channels such as tele-marketing, online selling and company sales people.


This book will help managers to adapt to the changes that have been occurring and will continue to occur in the sector.


AUTHOR: admin
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