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Authored by Vivek Singh (PGP 2006) Having spent 16 years in sales and marketing, he was part of the launch of an FMCG brand from its inception to achieving market leadership. In recent times, he is an independent marketing consultant who works closely with consumer brands and helps them in all aspects of brand building.

For Brand’s Sake is a practical guide for young marketers. This book will help anyone who is building a consumer brand (B2C) in India. You could be in FMCG, commodities or FMEG. This book will help you make better decisions about marketing.

  • How to approve scripts for TV ads?
  • How to choose a filmmaker?
  • How to evaluate a media plan?
  • How to work with YouTube influencers?
  • How to conduct market research?
  • How to find out if your TV ad is working or not?
  • How to choose a celebrity brand ambassador?
  • How to run consumer schemes and trade schemes?


If you are working on a consumer brand, this book will help you understand all the basics of brand building. It covers the following topics:

  • Advertising
  • Media Planning
  • Market Research
  • Strategy
  • BTL Activation
  • Trade Marketing


“For Brand’s Sake is like a handbook for a brand manager dealing with day-to-day dilemmas at the workplace. Its uniqueness lies in its practicality – No jargon, no abstract models…” – Aishwarya Pratap Singh, Head of Marketing, ITC – Snacks, Noodles and Pasta


AUTHOR: admin
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