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Sandeep Dasgupta (PGP 1987) entered the world of finance and investments at the age of 26. After working for over nine years in investment banking, Sandeep made a shift to the asset management industry in 1996.  In 2001, he took over as CEO of Deutsche Asset Management and was appointed as the CEO of Bharti AXA Investment Managers in December 2006. Apart from pursuing hobbies like stage acting, painting and music, Sandeep enjoys playing tennis and travelling. Website:


In the book, Sandeep has tried to share his life and work experiences to focus on two important elements of ones’ life:


Part A: Personal wellbeing – attaining richness in life, having fun and effectiveness at working in a group. He has used several illustrations and anecdotes to show how the inner world is responsible for a beautiful outer world. While you shall not be able to control all events in your life, if you invest in yourself, you shall be able to control how you respond to each of the situations in your life; you shall be able to control your thoughts and attitude towards every circumstance.


Dasgupta also explains how to build and sustain lasting relationships borne out of love, understanding, humility, trust, respect, and kindness; and how to value the power of effective communication in your personal and professional lives. He has also shared his experience and simple techniques to maintain good health. He has used his proprietary H.A.C.K.E.R principles and scorecard to guide you to a balanced and happy life.


H: Health, A: Attitude, C: Communication, K: Knowledge, E: Empathy, R: Relationship


Part B: Financial wellbeing – having peace of mind with your personal finance. Here, he has shared his professional experience of over 35 years on how to manage your investments smartly and effectively. He has emphasised the need for asset allocation, how to take advantage of the power of compounding, and understand the importance of controlling your expenses. Finally, he has enumerated, in detail, how to achieve financial freedom after attaining financial necessity, security, comfort and financial independence.



AUTHOR: admin
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