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Zacarias Mansing, MDP 2007

Zacarias Mansing, MDP 2007

Zacarias Mansing, MDP 2007, becomes a Finalist of Philippine’s’ Hope Hero Awards

Zacarias Mansing (MDP ’07) was a national finalist of the Hope Hero Award, the Inspiring Former Overseas Filipino Worker Award, and the Extraordinary Filipinos With Disabilities Award during the last quarter of 2023. The said recognitions were given by non-profit organization Hope, the Philippine Center for Entrepreneurship, and the National Council for Disability Affairs respectively.

Zacarias used to work in the Middle East in the areas of human resource management until his permanent disability due to a tragic car accident in the UAE in 2012. Currently, he is a socio-civic volunteer, a PWD advocate, and a motivational speaker based in the Philippines. Despite his physical limitations and challenging circumstances, he spearheaded the Books For Kids Project that has benefited over 250 public schools with over 50,000 school children. He wants to serve as an inspiration that disability is not a hindrance in making a difference in the community.

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