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Rejoice and Reminisce: 35 Years Reunion of PGP 88

Rejoice and Reminisce: 35 Years Reunion of PGP 88

By Salil Dave, PGP 88

The days of 15-17 December 2023 were magical where we felt 35 years younger and reconnected as fellow PGPs at the IIMA campus. Over 50 of us came together from around the globe (USA, Europe, Singapore) and all corners of India for an experience of a lifetime. Batchmates, wives, husbands and ‘children’, though these young adults may not like to be called that, celebrated with joyous energy – singing, dancing, flying kites, playing frisbee, walking the dorms in the old campus, and hanging out into the wee hours of the night even going in for some midnight maggi. Those were 48 hours of unadulterated fun and bonding!

With a smaller and more intimate gathering, we got the opportunity to get to know each other, one person at a time, through a fun “Guess Who?” photo journey into the past – digging up memories and anecdotes and embarrassing moments of our youth.

Interactive sessions helped us reconnect with the institute community. We met and honored several faculty members namely Dr Anil Gupta, Dr KV Ramani, Dr TV Rao, Dr G Raghuram, Dr Venkata Rao, Dr Pestonjee. The Dean of Alumni and External Relations, Prof Sunil Maheshwari updated us on IIMA’s progress towards a bold vision for a global role. The Endowment Fund and Outreach Initiative teams gave us ways to join this ambitious journey. And the session organized by the enthusiastic student team of SAERC, was an interesting informal interaction with current students for them to get career advice and for us to understand current life on campus.

See Also

We thank the institute and our event management partner, Markcom, for a truly memorable experience. With our Golden Jubilee reunion 15 years away, we have resolved to meet every two years in interesting locations.

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