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IIMA Pune, for the last 20 odd months (with breaks during summer and Diwali) has been conducting monthly networking sessions ‘IIMinPune’.


January 11th will be our 16th session of IIMinPune! This is hosted on the 2nd Friday of each month from 7-9 pm alternating between 2 sides of the city, to enable the Alumni from different parts of the city to attend.





For the last 6-8 months, we have also been hosting a Local Luminus (a local alum usually) to share their story with the group.




We have had an interesting mix of alumni – entrepreneurs, triathloners, Heads of non-profits, Heads of industry associations etc. come and share their experiences. The conversations have been inspiring, educative and stimulating and we hope to continue having these monthly sessions going ahead!




In addition, we conducted a trek to Rohida Fort in July.





On the 16th January, we will co-host an SME Founder’s Conclave along with the MCCIA.




AUTHOR: admin
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